Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Alice Paul:Arrested

Alice Paul has been compared to as "Joan of Arc, and it is useless to try to change it. She will die but she will never give up." - Physician's report to prison officials,1917

She especially liked the tales of Charles Dickens as a child, becoming a shy and modest student, with not much time for frivolous pursuits. 

She became involved with women's suffrage because "It wasn't something I had to think about", equality was one of their principals as quakers. 

Remarkable thoughts- 
  •  Alice Paul believed that she would be better equipped to champion the cause of women's rights if she were trained thoroughly in law. 

  • Chaired the Women's Research Federation in Europe, where she founded the World Women's Party. 

  • She never married, moved in with her sister in the United States upon her return, and continued to actively participate in causes. 

Rallied into her 80's, absolute modesty and a tendency to care a little about the past 

Lucy Moves On

Lucy moved back in with her two unmarried sisters. 

The Return To The United States

The fight continued  and they joined the National American Women Suffrage Associated as congressional lobbyist

This was due to dispute over tactics in England

They opened a Washington Office in January 1913.

They threw an event, parade, to attract media attention, after from Woodrow Wilson getting elected into office. 

Enormous success, built the Congressional Union For Women Suffrage. 

Lucy Burns went on a hunger strike for three weeks, went to jail, and was the women who spent the most time in jail during the women's suffrage movement in 1917, after World War I had begun. 

When Woodrow Wilson arrived in Washington during the suffrage procession, and as he ade his way to his totel, he asked his driver "where are all the people?" The man replied, "over on the Avenue watching the Suffrage Parade." 

Opening day of the new Congress April 7, 1913-Reintroduction of the Anthony Amendment

The Congresstional Union commanded a great deal of attention in early 1915 

March 2, 1917 Woman's Party, Wilson gets elected, no further deputations 

Congressional Union to picket the White House Every single day, 1,000 women participated from all over the country.

January 10,1918 The House voted 274-136, achieved the necessary two thirds vote, but the Senate delayed until October. 

June 4, 1919 The  19th amendment prevailed and passed in the Senate 

Alice Paul went on to pen the simple line that became the Equal Rights Amendment -

"Men and Women shall have equal rights throughout the United States and every place subject to it's jurisdiction." 

Lucy Meets Alice

Lucy Burns met Alice Paul in England

They both became members of the Women's Social and Political Ch

They met at the police station as Lucy Burns was a protester with an American flag pin on. They became close associates for years.

While in London, England Alice continued to push the limits of authority. Alice, and Lucy Burns both end up in prison together. They protested at Limehouse in London during a David Lloyd George meeting and received two week sentences.

American Suffragist, Relentless Women's Rights Activist

Alice Paul- Born January 11,1885 
 Moorestown, New Jersey


1905-Biology from Swarthmore College -B.A
1907-Sociology from  University of Pennsylvania-M.A.
1912-Sociology from University of Pennsylvania- Ph.D.
1922-Washington College-LL.B.
1927-American University-LL.M.
1928-American University-D.C.L.

Lucy Burns- Born July 28, 1879 
                       Brooklyn, New York 


1902-Vassar College

Graduate Studies in Linguistics at Yale, Oxford, and the German Universities of Berlin and Bonn